Saint Michael Island One & Only (Honey)
Honey is our first own bred girl from our first litter sired by IntCh Ara Millenium Dressed in Red out of IntCh Brigimerci Fairytale. She was born as a singleton so it wasn’t a question that she stay with us in our kennel. It is amazing experiance to watch her growing from the first moment.
This Siberian is simply amazing in her character. Being with her is so comfortable, so easy. She's very smart, she's a team player, a very family-oriented Siberian husky. Many people who know this dog say that she is an incredible Siberian. Our champion, our number one, our smart and beautiful girl all in one
With her personality, beauty, sociability, and openness, she captures the hearts of everyone around her! And we are no exception, we love her to the moon and back.
Date of Birth: 17 February 2022
Breeder: Dóra Lukácsfy, Saint Michael Island Kennel, Hungary
Healts Tests:
Hips A
Eyes Clear
Goniodysgenesis Clear