Femme Fatale Kingdom Navjord (Kira)
Kira is the Beauty. She is absolutely convinced that she is the most beautiful dog in the world, a real egoist but we love her to bits. She always knows what she wants and does everything to achieve her goals. If it is necessary she shouts, if it is necessary she looks kindly or gives some kisses. It doesn't matter, just let happen what she wants.
She is a bit dominant personality, she always wants to be The Boss of the pack, but of course the others won't let her to do that.
Her favorite activity is being in the dog show ring and showing her Beauty to everyone.
Date of Birth: 19 November 2020
Breeder: Elena Navjord, Kingdom Navjord Kennel, Belarus
Health Tests:
Hips A
Eyes Clear
Goniodysgenesis Clear