Winter Melody Crash Boom Bang (Luca)

Luca is a wonderful boy from a special litter sired by Junior World Winner Winter Melody Absolute Trouble In Power out of IntCh CH Winter Melody Just Call Me Trouble.
Luca is a very hyperactive, extremely creative and super cute young boy. He is a very lovable character with kind temperament. He is super friendly and respectful with everyone.
He loves attention and he knows how to get it by giving lots of kisses. He have stole our hearts at first sight.
Luca is a very smart dog, learns so quickly. One day after his arrival he already knew that the kitchen is the most exciting place in the house and that the food comes from the fridge.
His favourite activity to chasing the girls whole day. A real energy bomb who never gets tired, able to run all day without rest.
We are happy that he has become part of our family and we can’t wait for our life together with him

Date of Birth: 29 August 2023
Breeders: Ewa Górska, José Luis Gomez Sanchez, Winter Melody Kennel, Poland

Health Tests:
Hips A
Eyes Clear
Goniodysgenesis Clear

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