Winter Melody Black Magic (Queen)
Queen is our very special girl from a very special litter, sired by World Winner 2021 and European Winner 2021 Kristari’s Mischief At Winter Melody out of CH Winter Melody Big Bang Trouble.
She is a sweet little girl who has only one
important thing in her life that everyone loves and
cares for her. She thanks for our care with a lot of
kisses. She loves kids and other animals, she gets
along very well with strangers. A real energy bomb if
she could do it all day just run around and play. One
of her favorite free-time activities is digging, to the
greatest sorrow of our garden and plants.
Date of Birth: 28 June 2020
Breeders: Ewa Górska & José Luis Gomez Sanchez, Winter Melody Kennel, Poland
Health Tests:
Hips A
Eyes Clear
Goniodysgenesis Clear