Ara Millenium Femme Fatale (Raven)
Raven is our special guest from Ukraine. She was born during the beginning of the war in 2022.
She had many negative experiences when she was a baby and because of this, she is much more affectionate than the other members of the pack. She doesn't like to be alone at all, she always needs someone by her side. She quickly found her place in the pack; she loves the others very much. When she arrived to us, Maya immediately accepted her into the family and raised her together with her daughter, Honey.
Raven has a good character, sweet and kind. She is absolutely friendly with everyone, with both humans and dogs.
Her favorite leisure activity to spend her time with us. It doesn't matter what we do.
Date of Birth: 06 January 2022
Breeder: Olga Mukhina, Ara Millenium Kennel, Ukraine
Health Tests:
Hips A
Eyes Clear
Goniodysgenesis Clear